Return accuracy and tax savings are paramount in our tax preparation process. Your return is prepared and reviewed in our 3 step process that includes Preparation and Review of the return, which ensures that more than one expert has checked your return, along with a Final Check for potential tax strategies, using our top level of expertise.
And if you are a small to medium business owner or CFO looking for a tax accountant to prepare your business income tax returns, you’ve come to the right place.
Whether you are a:
We can help!
Just as important as telling you what we can do is a list of services we either don’t do, don’t offer, or don’t really specialize in.
As mentioned elsewhere on our website, we focus on Businesses that have a schedule C or Schedule E and/or are structured as Corporations, Partnerships, or Trusts.
DO: Business and other entity tax returns (1120, 1120S, 1065, etc) and Personal tax return preparation for those with additional self-employment or rental income or K1 from their corporation, partnership, or trust return that we prepared. | DON’T: Basic personal tax preparation with no self-employment or rental income. Exception: We will prepare a simple 1040 for a current client’s dependent to ensure they are properly claimed on both returns to avoid an IRS reject. |
If your returns are straightforward (1040, 1040A, 1040EZ), we should not be your first stop. In fact, we only prepare these returns for clients and their family that fit the business criteria listed above as a full service offering to them. |
DO: As part of our 3-Tier Accounting Packages, we send QuickBooks reports on a yearly, quarterly, or monthly basis based on the package level. | DON’T: Financial statements |
We have chosen not to be in the business of providing financial statements, and if you need third-party financial statements, you should find another company that does this. We focus on tax planning and advisory services, and that choice means we are not independent enough to provide financial services.
By the way, if you have a mortgage company that says they want your profit and loss on a “CPA letterhead,” they are asking for, at a minimum, a compilation which, even if we choose to do it, would be a significant fee by any CPA due to the regulations in place for preparing such. So please don’t ask! |
DO: For our bookkeeping clients signed up for one of our 3-tier accounting packages, there is an option for clients to link e-receipts directly to their books. Ask our bookkeeper for more information on receipt-forwarding. | DON’T: We DO NOT accept receipts for tax-preparation; no exceptions We will not total piles of receipts. If you do not have totals, it means you need bookkeeping services and should have asked us to do this during the year for you, not at tax time. |
We expect our business clients to keep records in an organized fashion. An organized fashion means, at a minimum, any of the following: -A backup copy (.qbb) of your QuickBooks Desktop -Access to your QuickBooks Online (QBO) account -Any other accounting system which allows you to provide us with a Profit and Loss report and Balance Sheet. -List of expenses already compiled in annual totals |
Please do not try to give us monthly totals or handwritten notes scribbled paper that we cannot follow.
We will not total piles of receipts. If you do not have totals, it means you need bookkeeping services and should have asked us to do this during the year for you, not at tax time.
DO: Advise you on ways to minimize your taxes through proactive tax planning. | DON’T: Advise you on how to invest or manage your money. |
As a trusted advisor, I am frequently asked if I can help with investment needs. Investment advice is a totally different service. We are more than happy to team up with your current financial advisor or refer you to someone we trust. |
DO: Provide bookkeeping services as part of our 3-tier Accounting Packages ONLY | DON’T: Stand-alone Bookkeeping (see left) |
By having us take care of your books, it ensures we have all of your business income and expenses and can help find more tax savings when we prepare your return. However, we do not offer a bookkeeping-only option. Bookkeeping services are only offered in conjunction with our tax preparation and planning services. |
Also, whether you are a new or returning client please check out How We Work. It contains information on what to expect during the process, how to send your tax documents, as well as other helpful tips to prepare for tax season.
If you’d like more information about our services, please schedule an appointment or call us at 508-853-3292/401-409-3193.
Federal Return
Federal Amended Return
Tax Due Dates
Tax Rates
IRS Publications
Why Should I Keep Records?
What Kind of Records Should I Keep?
How Long Should I Keep Records?